The Art of Attracting 5-Star Prospects

The Art of Attracting 5-Star Prospects

April 30, 20243 min read

The Art of Attracting 5-Star Prospects

Let’s talk about the art of attracting 5-star prospects into your business.

And ultimately selling more of your products and services fast.

This is what the Campaign Conversion CODE™ is all about.

I developed the Campaign Conversion CODE™ because I wanted to compress time when creating new marketing campaigns for clients and myself.

I also wanted to ensure these marketing campaigns had the highest chance of succeeding immediately.

My mindset is this… FAIL FAST!

If something isn’t working, figure out why it’s not working, and then fix it quickly.

The Campaign Conversion CODE™ we built on this.

I kept failing and failing and failing until I got a win.

My method allows you to compress decades of wisdom and a lot of trial and error into cash in your pocket when you use this.

Now, let’s look at a few things…

There are 3 phases to the Campaign Conversion CODE™.

Phase #1: Clarify

Phase #2: Construct

Phase #3: Communicate

These three phases all work together so you can engineer a wildly profitable marketing campaign.

As I mentioned, this has taken me nearly two decades to dial in, using a lot of trial and error.

I want to talk about the start of phase two right now.

There are three steps in phase two.

These are:

Step #4) Magnetic Message

Step #5) Momentum Mover

Step #6) Magic Moment

In phase two, we start constructing stuff (writing, designing, building funnels, etc.)

It all starts with the “Magnetic Message” step.

Get this right, and you’ll experience a consistent flow of fresh new prospects to talk with.

Get this wrong, and you’ll find yourself getting cheap leads and building a massive list of prospects NOT spending money with you.

There are TWO TYPES of what I call “Magnets.”

One is called a “lead magnet,” and one is called a “buyer magnet.”

These are designed to attract your ideal prospect and buyer into your world.

I’ll quickly touch on these because they’re essential.

One BIG LESSON I learned after doing this for so long is this…

How you bring someone into your world determines how quickly they convert on the backend.

One of the worst things you can do to generate new prospects is simply “throw something up” and start running traffic to it.

I see many marketers, coaches, and consultants not giving real thought to their “magnets.”

Ultimately, it ends up restricting the quality of people entering their world.

Which ultimately lowers their sales, revenue, and profits.

Let me quickly share how I view this…

When I engineer a marketing campaign for myself and my clients, it’s all about doing the hard work upfront so everything converts better on the backend.

This means being strategic on the journey a person takes throughout the campaign.

Each step in the process should accomplish TWO THINGS as the person goes through the marketing campaign.

1) It should bring the person CLOSER to what THEY truly desire.

2) It should MAKE YOU MORE MONEY each time the person takes action.

I cover all the details in my Campaign Conversion CODE™ book.

You can download it here within the next few minutes.

Another thing…

On page 46, I give the hottest format for your lead magnets.

This alone is money in the bank!

Save time, energy, and money…

Grab the Campaign Conversion CODE™, and start creating a profitable marketing campaign for your business.

Go to:

-Chris Koehl

Chris Koehl's Campaign Conversion Code

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Chris Koehl

Direct response copywriter, marketing funnel integrator, and overall rainmaker. Chris has been providing done-for-you marketing services generating sales, revenue, and profits for his partners and clients. He's been in the game (behind the scenes) for the past 20-plus years and loving it. If you'd like Chris's help you can text 316-799-3099.

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